Monday, April 22, 2013

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Weihenstephaner - Vitus

Bottle pours a hazy gold color with a significant white head and fair lacing.

Aromas of malty, bready and light fruityness.  Subtle toffee notes with dried grass undertones.

Flavors of lager yeast, subtle banana and straw notes.  Bitter maltyness with light tropical undertones.

Rated = 5

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Dogfish Head - Life and Limb

Pours a crisp clear light amber color with a significant white head and fair lacing.

Aromas of hops, apricot and malts.

Flavors of bitter apricot, subtle toffee notes and tropical fruit.

The Finish;  Light fruityness, lager and subtle belgium flavors.  Nice malty overtones carry the lighter flavors through.

Rated = 7

Monday, March 4, 2013

Grand Teton Brewing - Black Cauldron Imperial Stout

Bottle pours black with a brown head and fair lacing.

Aromas of toasted malts, cherries and dates.  Coffee and chocolate undertones.

Flavors of chocolate, figs and cherries.  Subtle notes of coffee, dates and hops.

The Finish;  it started out reminiscent to an irish stout,  then the dark fruit flavors come in and help it to barely achieve the imperial stout status.  Very enjoyable throughout.

Rated = 8