Sunday, December 30, 2012

Great Divide Breweing - Hercules Double IPA

Bottle poured a mellow amber with a tan head and good lacing.

Aromas of pine, citrus and a strong maltyness with subtle tropical notes.

Flavors of heavy bitter sweet malts, citrus and pine notes with a dry hoppyness and subtle spiciness.

Finish;  begins malty...great mouth feel, dry citrus and tropical fruits come through midway,  subtle toffee and honey notes carry on to the finish.

I Rate this one a...10

Boulevard's Double-Wide IPA

Bottle poured a deep rich amber color with a significant light tan head the settled quickly with fair lacing.

Aromas are of tropical fruit, subtle sweet hoppyness and bitter malty notes.

Dry, bitter, light fruit flavors with cranberry undertones and subtle citrus notes.

Finish;  starts out bitter with a hint of sweetness then transitions into the light fruits flavors and finishes dry and fruity with slight malty undertones.  It seemed to getter better as it warmed slightly...very enjoyable. Rated an 8

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Old Rasputin

Bottle poured black with a fairly quickly receding brown head, lacing is fair.

Aromas of coffee, fig, chocolate and hops.

Flavors are of chocolate and dark fruits (fig, dates), bitter malts and hops.

One of my favorite stouts...I rate it a 10