Bottle pours black, dark tan ring develops around the glass with faire lacing.
Sweet malty aromas with subtle toasted wood notes and a hint of hop spices.
Sweet dark fruit flavors of cherries, rains, fig and dates. Molasses and honey notes with subtle spiciness.
The Finish; sweet throughout, dark fruit flavors tag along with the sweetness well, nice mouth feel with subtle toastyness and hints of wood, finishes bitter sweet and warm...At 18.2% abv!
Rate = 10, must explain...generally to sweet for my liking but there is a lot going on with this beer, and for having 18.2% abv the flavors are there to pick out if you have the palate! I have rated this a 10 due to what has been accomplished with the flavors. My feeling is this is an English style Imperial Stout/Barleywine.